Friday, November 26, 2010

Old Dublin

This is a really old photo of Dublin, before even my time. My daughter was born on tne day the IRA blew up Nelon's Pillar. 8/3/1966. For those who don't know about the Pillar, it is the hazy column in the left background.
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1 comment:

  1. John - I well remember the blowing-up of Nelson's Pillar. I didn't hear the first explosion, which neatly blew Nelson off his perch, but I heard the the second explosion. This was a 'controlled' explosion by our armed forces, to remove the stump - deemed to be dangerous - which blew out every shop window in O'Connell St. I was sitting up in bed with my six-week old son, who believed the hours between 2 and 5 were for howling and feeding - (which lasted until he was 15 months old). The explosion shook my bed at around 2.15 - I'm sure the sappers on the job could give us the correct time). It was long and many a day before we got used to calling that spot in O'Connell Street anything other than 'the Pillar'. Somehow, arranging to meet at 'the Spire' just did't catch on - it hasn't got the same ring to it.
