Wednesday, February 2, 2011

irish politics

A general election. Let me see who will I vote for. Eeny meeny miny mo. What's the difference? I don't know.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Wishes

To all mu blogging friends from the DCU inter generational class, thank you and a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful 2011. John

Monday, December 6, 2010

New Government

The thought occurred to me that the next government might be  Fine Gael with Fianna Fail as the junior partners.
 I would like to hear opinions on this premise.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Old Dublin

This is a really old photo of Dublin, before even my time. My daughter was born on tne day the IRA blew up Nelon's Pillar. 8/3/1966. For those who don't know about the Pillar, it is the hazy column in the left background.
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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Old Dublin

I came to live in Dublin in !971 having spent 14 years in England. I found it much changed from 1957 where I had spent 3 weeks in Porto bello Barracks, now Cathaill Brugha. What was then called the singing pubs were every where. Many talented amateur performers would sing, tell jokes, or even dance. Many contests were held, the main one was probably "The Drake Inn", in Finglas". There were also many cabaret venues with performers from the declining Show Band era entertaining. Some of these performers are still with us, Dickie Rock and Sonny Knowles to mention two. I still love live music and am bored with musicians of limited talent, who rely on backing tracks

Thursday, November 18, 2010

What's the difference

I have asked the question from Fine Gael, without a satisfactory answer, as to what exactly is the difference between them and Fianna Fail. They both come from the same roots and are right of centre parties, so is it only a different administration they are offering to the Irish electorate. They have had three former leaders, two of them taoiseach, who have endorsed Brian Lennihan's budget strategy.
I would like to know other peoples views on this topic, especially spokesmen for the two big parties.